I've been away

Oh My Gosh I've missed you.
I've been um....absent, AWOL, missing.....busy AND I'm sorry.
This year , in addition to the kids, work, blogging  and day to day stuff, I started a post graduate diploma. It takes hours of my time. To compound things, to sort my body out and funnily enough indirectly, my soul, I added to the chaos ; I started running. That also chips into my time. I thought I didn't have time to blog until I finished my diploma. I put down my camera and justified it as a non necessity.
The truth is I need it. I need to put stuff out there and I do have time. I miss this.
So I'm back :) And I'm excited to be here. Woo Hoo come say Hello....if you're still out there ?
Yesterday, with two girlfriends , I went North and attended a workshop with Tim Coulson. I realised that despite the fact that I thought I knew what I was doing, I've not been using my dslr very well at all. He showed me in the most clear and simple way how to work some magic. He and his wife Kesh are currently on the top of my wonderful people list.  Tim is holding workshops nationally....you should contact him.
Oh yeah...and I'm back...are you pleased ??


  1. Hi Ava..very pleased you're back..love your blog!

    1. I've missed you !! It's good to be back xx

  2. I know I am...love looking round your house seeing your family..what are you studying?

    1. Diploma of Commerce and Management....very different to my Bachelor of Nursing !!

  3. Welcome back Ava. So glad to see you and very happy you are going to squeeze blogging back into your life. Congrats on taking on Study, and your running though I am trying to work out when you manage to find some time to sleep? xx

    1. Hello Jackie !!! Lets hope I pass the time management component of my diploma ;) Lovely to be back xx

  4. Amazing! You certainly fit in a whole lot of stuff to your day! Welcome back to blog land!


    Okay, I need to add three more...I missed you!!!! :)

    You have such a full life!! Congratulations on your studies and new photo skills! Improving self is such a gratifying investment!! :)

    1. :) I've missed you too Laura ! Lovely to be back xxxx

  6. So Glad you are back!! I have missed you too!

  7. so pleased!!
    would love to go to a nursery - Tim has said a Tassie one is a "might" so I'm holding onto that!!
    good luck with the studying :-)

  8. Hi Ava. great to see you back. I just now did my first post since June. Time flies, life is full on hey. Thanks for the little note recently after I was 'checking up on you' . A Tim Coulson workshop? how good was that? such a talent. have a great week ahead. I see that i'm not the only one happy to see you back! Jx

  9. Your "Checking up" was so very much appreciated. Tim's workshop was priceless. He is such a great communicator and he can explain things do clearly. Brilliant xx
