An Industrial Chalkboard and Some Lists

I am a list person... I write copious lists and cross stuff off. It makes me feel ordered. This week, I'm getting virtual. I'm using my iPhone "calendar" and the "notes" section to try and organise my world. This could eradicate my diary and my notebook.....maybe, if things go well I might even look at getting an iPad (I know , but a girl can dream.... )
I love diaries and notebooks , pieces of paper and journals. I especially love chalkboards. Bare with me... I'm heading somewhere.....
This mirror was an op shop bargain with issues. It was a bit too foxy but it had a lovely oak frame and I  thought I might be able to fix it. I didn't fix it. It hung around looking foxy for quite a while. A long while actually. Just being...well.... foxy.
As I said "issues"
                                In walks the hero "chalkboard paint" I seriously love this stuff
                                            One Coat
                                                    Two Coats
Bam. A lovely industrial style chalkboard for lists, family inspiration and gorgeous giddy scribble. And , just quietly .... I think it looks kind of foxy :)
Are you a list person ? Are you more ordered than me ? What do you use ? Any suggestions ? I'd love to hear xx
Oh BTW .....I got a new second hand lens this week. It's a tilt shift lens and I haves much  to learn. This is Master Picket Fence doing his own version of a tilt shift portrait....yep......we've got it sorted ;)


My Forgotten Oak Cupboard

Life gets busy. Sometimes too busy. It happens at marathon pace. In between raising children, working, hunting for vintage treasure and maintaining a creaky old house.....sometime I forget stuff. This old cupboard is a good example of that.   
See that mildew.....that's what happens when you score an amazing bargain on EBay, have it delivered miraculously intact by Australia Post, hide it down under the house to explain to your husband later ( i.e. put it in the house while he's at work and say "Oh that old thing, we've had that for AGES" ) and then, well, forget you have it ......for say 8 years.
Then, a pretty picture a friend posted on Face book made me go...." Hang on... I've got something like that somewhere" ( Thank you Melissa xx)
I dragged her out , scrubbed her down, put her door back on and apologised to her profusely.
Actually, sometimes 8 years wait can be a good thing. 8 years ago, I would have stripped this girls paint off and waxed her.
Now I'm in the whole original paint and patina phase and I'm so so pleased she was.....forgotten.
This is her now....waiting to be filled.  When Mr Picket Fence comes home and lays eyes on her, he will raise his eyes and ask questions.  I will be able to say with much joy and honesty
"Oh that old thing, we've had her for AGES"
Have you ever forgotten something?

February Photo a Day Done and Dusted

This is it people. The last of my February  iPhone "photo a day" photo journal. Phew I must admit I found a few of these challenging......It's funny how sometimes, it's the little things that bring you unstuck.
Day 20 "Handwriting"
My Grandma's Coconut Ice recipe in her own handwriting (So much nicer than my own) She would make vast quantities of Coconut Ice every Christmas holidays. I associate this treat with her. Completely.
Day 21 " A Fave photo of you"
This was taken about 10 years ago. Special to me for so many reasons. Amongst other people , you can see my  grandparents and father in this photo, they have since passed away and I miss them dearly. That's me in the white shirt clutching the photo shy child. My twin brother is next to me and my younger brother is the only sensible person it seems, in a hat.  Lesson here.... appreciate family while you have it. Hey brothers...if you're by chance reading this. I appreciate you.......BIG TIME.
Day 22 " Where you work"
I like to keep work and home/blog separate hence the lack of detail...its about life balance :)
Day 23 "Shoes"
Not Stilettos (Ever)
Day 24 " Inside my bathroom cabinet" 
I have a higgledy piggledy selection of collected bathroom cabinets as our built in one is kind of ugly. This is the inside door of one of my favourites. it holds toothpaste and soap and stuff :)
Day 25 "Green"
Day 26 " Night'
Day 27 "Something I ate"
Day 28 " Money" 
I found this one tricky.
Day 29 "Something you're listening to"
Miss Picket Fence read in the morning. It's a ritual :)
Short and sweet.
 I can't quite fathom how quickly this year is flying by. Are you sick of the "photo a day"  instalments ?  I hope not :) They keep me humming I'm doing March too xx