Welcome to Picket Fence Fancy

Welcome to my first ever attempt at blogging  "Picket Fence Fancy"
 I begin by confessing that I'm a complete pleb when it comes to the world of blogging,  I've always thought it would be a challenging and fun thing to do, but shelved it for "one day".That day when I had more time, more confidence  and less commitments, older children, more knowledge. But ; life moves so fast, sometimes you need to jump on in and have a go regardless...seize the day, live :)

Picket Fence Fancy is about some of my favourite things, collecting vintage treasure, photographing same , and the endless renovation of our Californian bungalow by the sea. Colourful and often chaotic,  I live with my four young children and very patient husband  on the beautiful far south coast of NSW Australia .   Come on in sit down and share it with me .... because life is so much finer this way.

Picket Fence Fancy is so named due to  a long ago made plan, that time in life where life is full of promise and you begin to fashion a  mud map of what you want from this world... for me it was a secure domesticated life, you know, apple trees , husband, babies and yes the picket fence. I 'm not ashamed to admit that this was a quiet goal of mine and one that I'm living in the here and now.  Yep the picket fence I pursued , despite university, career, and other constraints of reality....but I didnt want an ordinary picket fence life , I wanted something a little , well,  fancy ;)

And so , Picket Fence Fancy it is,  Welcome , wish me luck !
                                             xx Ava

1 comment:

  1. Since your blog isn't that old, I thought I would start reading it at the beginning. And now I get to be the first comment on your first post.
