My Camera Lens Protector (Stubby Holders Go Shabby)

Hello gorgeous Picket Fence Friends :) How are you?
This week I've been busy doing all sorts of bits and pieces, but today I thought you might like to see my latest idea. I seem to have collected a lot of camera lenses. I love them, they are useful and not to mention expensive, but they kind of bang together in my camera bag and I was worried that they would get chipped or scratched or worse :(

After some mulling I came up with the idea of stubby holders. Perfect to insulate against the hard knocks of camera bag jostling, they are pretty much the right size for most of my lenses . Hmmm but they're not classy are they ? With a few in my bag, I'd risk looking like a total party girl huh..? So rather than let my secret party habits out of the bag per say :) I thought I'd cover the offensive foam with some pretty fabric and wool.

 Here's how I started..... I felted the top to make it hard wearing as this is the area that gets rubbed as your lens gets put away.

As you can see, a simple blanket stitch does the job ( forgive my atrocious sewing ... I'm so much better with a staple gun !)

And the bottom ( the Picket Fence Girls were so supportive "Don't worry Mummy , It doesn't need to be Perfect!" lol )

I think it looks pretty awesome.....I really want to do a red one now....but Mr Picket Fence has hidden his stubby holder so I'll have to buy my own :)
 Oh and I think these would look rather nice wrapped around a cold tin as well ! I'm off to try and learn a decent blanket stitch ;)
Be seeing you xx


  1. Looks great.
    XX Alison

  2. Thanks Alison, You could do Alan one in Orange and black :~)

  3. Thanks Emily, I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by xx

  4. And I would say that it was very creative! Clever! Looks very cute and lovely. You've sure made your stubby holder very useful and creative. You've customized it yourself!

  5. I found your website perfect for my needs. It contains wonderful and helpful posts. I have read most of them and learned a lot from them. You are doing some great work. Thank you for making such a nice website. Stubby Holders
